Volume 9, Issue 36 (2012)                   LIRE 2012, 9(36): 129-146 | Back to browse issues page

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A Semio-Semantic Analysis of Ecstasy in Literary Discourse. LIRE 2012; 9 (36) :129-146
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-9626-en.html
Abstract:   (7166 Views)
One of the important features of literary discours, especially in the East, is the performance of ecstasy. From semio-semantic point of view, in the literary discourse, the ecstasy takes shape at the time when actions are in a secondary condition and is replaced with stress- emotional process in which free from its reactionary condition and under the glory and intention they experience one “more” abrupt “feasibly” topic. Actually, the ecstasy minimizes the distance between establishments in the border of action and crossing to a new semantic aura that accompanies with change or metamorphosis, to the extent that it encounters our literary discourse with knocking or an impulsive condition. In that case, what is the natural end of a process occurs in the beginning. By this reason, the ecstasy is a literary approach that disturbs all discourse assessments and away from every kind of rational and anecdotal chain, leads to unwariness and glorification. In fact, ecstasy is a situation where discourse topic puts it in a complete dismissal and in a way, it is absent that is a source of escape from bad actions of resistance.
Which are semio-semantic approaches of literary ecstasy?, how the literary ecstasy change actions to the time? how literary ecstasy provides the transcendent condition for discourse subject ?
With due attention to the above description, the purpose of this semio-semantic analysis of ecstasy in literary discourse is to explain the mechanisms that enable it to achieve a model that could review the production process of the literary ecstasy and its role in explaining the semantics .
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Subject: Literary Criticism
Received: 2012/10/11 | Accepted: 2012/11/21 | Published: 2012/12/2

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