Volume 19, Issue 78 (2022)                   LIRE 2022, 19(78): 11-13 | Back to browse issues page

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Rasmi A, Rasmi S. A compative study of the myth of »Girat« in various narrations of Korogli's srory with the mythical horses of Shahnameh. LIRE 2022; 19 (78) :11-13
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-65716-en.html
1- , rasmi1378@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4975 Views)
The horse was of special importance to the ancient Iranians.Victory and honour of Iranians is prove to be true by this noble and profitable animal. In turkish nations ,horse is rechoned holy also and he is always considered as friend of hero and a partner in his victories. "Giarat, horse of Korogli is a symbolic animal that is associated with myth. Having a marine origin and breeding in the terrestrial world has given a special place to  him  and sometimes the winged feature in some narrations attributes his to the worlds of water, earth and air. The victory of the hero over the enemy is not possible without his company .In addition to boldness and arrogance, Girat has human characteristics, feels responsible for Korogli, understands his words, and in general is brother of hero and disappears or die with  him  in various narrations. This article studies the characteristics of Girat, the most important mythical element in the narrations of different nations of Korogli's story. It,s characteristics can be seen in the mythical horses of Shahnameh, especially Rakhsh, but due to the oral nature of Korogli's story and being in the realm of popular stories, the myth of Girat is more prominent  than the mythical horses of Shahnameh.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Popular literature
Received: 2021/01/16 | Accepted: 2021/10/31 | Published: 2023/03/1

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