Volume 8, Issue 33 (2011)                   LIRE 2011, 8(33): 54-76 | Back to browse issues page

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a deconstructive approach. LIRE 2011; 8 (33) :54-76
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-5863-en.html
Abstract:   (9188 Views)
"Tarabi'srebellion"is one of the interesting parts of Jahan-goshaHistory. The analysis of narrative elements of this text can help understanding the spirit of the whole work. Joveyni, the writer, confesses inthe Introduction that by writing history he aimesto perpetuate Mongol's magnitudes. That means the readers encounter with a one-sided narration. In spite of this fact, according to the expectation of readers, the writer tries through some textual tricks to show he has an objective position in history narration. But this target would not be possible by two reasons: the first reason deals with the nature of narration that does not let the creator to take a neutral position. The second reason relates to the intentions that force Joveyni to write his work, i.e., he reduces the history to a panegyric. "Tarabi'srebellion" is one of the texts thatis structurally cracked through a deconstructive approach of reading, so that not only the writer fails to achieve his goal, but also the text stimulates a rebel against itself. Through a creative re-readingof this historical event, this article tries to present a new interpretation and portrait of Tarabi.a reading that can be extended to the whole text.
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Subject: Child literature
Received: 2012/01/14 | Accepted: 2011/11/22 | Published: 2012/05/16

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