Volume 7, Issue 28 (2010)                   LIRE 2010, 7(28): 61-96 | Back to browse issues page

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Origin of Phoenix: From Comparative Aristotelian Point of View. LIRE 2010; 7 (28) :61-96
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-37887-en.html
Abstract:   (3315 Views)

Kh.Gholizadeh, PH.D.
Phoenix can perhaps be considered as one of the most important animals of Persian literature. From ancient times, a large number of experts have focused on this bird of Iranian mythology and compared it with other birds like Cyena, Indian GerudaVargun, Kersheft, Amruvak, Marvi Ostayee, Chamroosh and Kamak in Pehlavi literature; Anqa-e-Arabi, Homa and Ghaghnoosh in Persian literature as well as Greek Phoenix, Anzavi Okadi and Sirang in vernacular literature. Later, phoenix entered into others domains from the Aristotelian domain such as epic/heroic and mystical literature or one dealing with artistic, painting, enameling and metal works. Root of Zoroastrian (Saēna) and Sanskrit (Çyena) for phoenix were actually meant for “eagle, hunting bird” and Merәgh in Indian and European dictums was related to duck. Apart from linguistic similarities, there are enough resemblance in anecdotes and fables related to this mythological bird. Characteristics like magical wings, fostering and nursing of heroes, connection with heavenly world, crucial and remedial, connection with immortal vegetation, enmity of eagle with snakes etc (all these are ancient and Indo-European). Features of Phoenix were such that in the emergence or meting of mythological birds whose names are absent influenced excellently.
After studying above cases, this article points about the relationship of phoenix with topics like astronomy, its comparison with the abovementioned mythological birds and variables of forms and shape of phoenix. Against common viewpoints that consider phoenix as a beautiful and heart-stealing bird, its appearance is composed of several aspects i.e. head of bat, body (and often head) of dog, wings of eagle and tail of peacock. These aspects have been identified since the time Sassanians and phoenix with this composition designed on clothes, utensils, decorative stones and coins. This aspect later caused phoenix to appear as a compositional existence named baškuj in the contemporary Iranian traditions like Armenians and especially Caucasian and Zoroastrian ones. In this new application, baškuj more in phoenix shape is adversary of Esfandyar.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Myth
Received: 2019/10/30 | Accepted: 2019/10/30 | Published: 2019/10/30

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