Volume 5, Issue 19 (2008)                   LIRE 2008, 5(19): 117-138 | Back to browse issues page

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Role of Personal Reference and Aluusion in the Cohesion of Prosodic Persian Poetry. LIRE 2008; 5 (19) :117-138
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-37561-en.html
Abstract:   (1881 Views)

Q. Qolam Hosseinzadeh.PH.D.
Hamed Norouzi
The relation existing among the sentences of any text has a vital role in its final perception. Due to this reason a number of linguistics have devoted a large share of their theoretical discussion to the analysis of this relation. One of these theories is Holiday’s ‘Role Tendency’, in which he has made cohesion among the conceptual, verbal, syntactic and the rational sentences of any individual text. Through this attitude, coherence has factors such as; 1. reference. 2. subordination and omission. 3. vocabulary cohesion. and 4. Connection.
Since this discussion covers a wide domain, the writers of this essay chose to survey one of these factors; which is reference. By reference, as a relation, the interpretation of one of the partners of reference, in other words the presupposing element, does not actually take place based on its conceptual characteristics. Instead, for doing this process, it is referred to the other party of this relation; in other words the referent. Reference has three kinds; personal, allusive, and comparative. This research only discusses the personal and allusive ones. The personal reference is concerned about the person, while the allusive one points to the place and the extent of its distance; whether far or close. In the Persian language personal reference is comprised of personal pronouns and reflexive pronouns, while the allusive reference includes demonstrative pronoun and demonstrative adverbs.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Prosody
Received: 2019/10/20 | Accepted: 2019/10/20 | Published: 2019/10/20

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