Volume 4, Issue 17 (2007)                   LIRE 2007, 4(17): 125-148 | Back to browse issues page

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Analysis and Criticism of Mawlana’s Generosities in Rumi's Sepahsalar Treatise. LIRE 2007; 4 (17) :125-148
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-37446-en.html
Abstract:   (1852 Views)

Gh. Gholam-Hoseinzadeh.PH.D.
Generosities are the supernatural action done by saints and infallible figures. From long ago,a lot of anecdotes have been narrated about the saints’ generosities. One of the main reasons for this matter is people who were eager for generosity as they realized that stories on generosity coordinate with their wishes. Among other reasons relating to its popularity, we can point to present generosities in form of people’s interesting and alluring convictional stories in patriarches life. Fereidun-Ebne-Ahmad Sepahsalar, who was Mowlana’s disciple and companion for fourty years, has narrated fourty anecdotes about Mowlana’s generosities in his treatise; this part is in the chapter titled as the Generosities.The Study and criticism of these anecdotes indicates that although about a quarter of them lack generosity themes, they possess other features which help writers of this topic significantly. Most of the other anecdotes coordinate with the principles and the criteria of storytelling and literary criticism, regarding both subject and structure. On the other hand, since in Sepahsalar’s treatise principles of realism has been observed, the narrated anecdotes in this treatise are reliable and credible. So on the basis of techniques and principles of story telling,  they possess specific value and significance. Comparing some of Sepahsalar’s anecdotes with the principles of morphology in fairy tales indicates that these anecdotes coordinate with the structure of fairy tales too. These feature  led all of the writers of next generations writing about Rumi to use the anecdotes in Sepahsalars' treatise.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Classical literature
Received: 2019/10/16 | Accepted: 2019/10/16 | Published: 2019/10/16

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