Volume 21, Issue 84 (2024)                   LIRE 2024, 21(84): 9-38 | Back to browse issues page

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The construction of initiators and its role in shaping the ideological discourse of Fotovvat-Name Suhrawardi. LIRE 2024; 21 (84) :9-38
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-66398-en.html
Abstract:   (1187 Views)
Fotovvat-Names are of great importance in political, social, moral, ethical, mystical and literary researches on the subject of fatwa and its history and its effects and comprehensive impact on Islamic societies in order to contain different types of discourses of fatwa people with different views. Meanwhile, the analysis of the discourse of Abu Hafs Omar Suhrawardi's photojournalism is doubly important due to the ijtihad and theorizing aspects of the Sheikh in creating a continuum between the concepts of ethics and mysticism on the one hand, and the development of Shiite views in Sufism and Fatwa theorizing on the other. In this research, in order to analyze the text of Suhrawardi's photojournalism and discover the mechanisms between the author's mind and language and the socio-cultural context of the text and also to analyze the thought components hidden in it by system-role (role-oriented) linguists, initiator analysis has been used. ; Because the initiator, as the starting point of the message, allows the speaker to process the text message and also to determine the action and thought orientation of the message for the audience. From the analysis of the types of initiators in this text, the following results were obtained: The abundance of experimental initiators in this text indicates the dominance of explicit and positive action in the author's discourse. It strengthens this institution to the Shiite base (under the direct support of Caliph Nasser Ludin Allah). The significant reduction of interpersonal initiators indicates the low level of communication and interactional actions in the text and confirms the strengthening of monophonic and authoritative discourse purposes in empirical structures (legislative, legitimacy, and positive and explicit actions). Among text initiators, structural elements are more prominent than the other two types (continuity and link addition) due to the role they play in text coherence and development. In this text, the frequency of simple and unambiguous primers is more than compound and symbolic primers, the effect of which can be seen in the text in the form of linguistic and grammatical ease and regularity while textual coherence in the text of the ideological discourse of the text.
Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Classical literature
Received: 2022/12/28 | Accepted: 2024/04/29 | Published: 2024/04/29

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