Abstract: (2617 Views)
The present study dealt with the narration process of the story “One Thousand and One Nights” and sought demonstrating the movement trends of the narrator’s narration-processing for postponing and neutralizing a morbid action and achievement of the ultimate goal, i.e. complete cessation of that action and reaching the discourse’s teleology based on Greimas’s semio-semantic approach. The main issue of the current research was figuring out how the narration leaked into the discourse and caused a change in the discourse mechanism following which the action system (i.e. murder and the king’s sense of revenge) was suspended; the continuation of such a suspension caused the value system to be changed and it was seen that the change and transformation of the value system resulted in returning from nothingness to existence. The semio-semantic analysis of this story showed that the initial opposing actions between Shahrzad and Shahriyar were transformed into emotional and adjusting status in the course of the narration-processing and a semantic transcendence occurred with the change from the disordered status to the organized status.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Language and Linguistics Received: 2020/02/10 | Accepted: 2020/10/7 | Published: 2020/10/21