Volume 12, Issue 50 (2016)                   LIRE 2016, 12(50): 145-194 | Back to browse issues page

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Impact of Farsi Copula on Structure of Verb in Arabic Dialect of Arab-Khaneh Region. LIRE 2016; 12 (50) :145-194
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-37188-en.html
Abstract:   (5895 Views)

Hamed Norouzi. PH.D
Kolsoum Qorbani Jouybari. PH.D
The migration of Arabs to Iran began as of 1st Century AH. In that period of time, several tribes from different parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia immigrated to Iran and settled down in a number of regions in Iran. One of their favorite regions was south of Khorasan. As of then, a number of Arabic-speaking tribes have taken up residence in a region named Arab-Khaneh, which is a village in the vicinity of the city of Nahbandan. The language of these tribes has remained relatively intact. However, still many Farsi terms have entered their language. One of the most important impacts of Farsi language on the Arabic dialect of residents in Arab-Khaneh is the entry of different forms of copula in their dialect. The authors of this article, via carrying out studies in an oasis in the proximity of Arab-Khaneh, have researched the level of impact of Farsi copula on the Arabic dialect of this region. Ultimately, it can be said that in general four types of copula have been observed in this dialect, namely Farsi copula; separable pronouns replacing Farsi copula; a combined form of Farsi copula and Arabic verb; and the Arabic verb کان (with a variety of phonetic types). Among these types, the first and third types are directly impacted by copula and have been shaped with the usage of the Farsi copula است . In the 2nd and 4th types, although the verb is Arabic, the impact of Farsi grammar on it is irrefutable. These four types of structure are only observed in the structure of positive verbs; and in negative verbs only the Arabic verb کان is used (with a variety of phonetic developments).
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Language and Linguistics
Received: 2019/10/9 | Accepted: 2019/10/9 | Published: 2019/10/9

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