Abstract: (11104 Views)
Focus on the other person is the main pillar in understanding the core of Mikhail Bakhtin’s anthropology. Although in the novel philosophical viewpoints, the need for the other as a subject has been emphasized; Bakhtin, through the expansion of the meaning and status of the other person, establishes the pillars of his anthropology on the interaction between oneself and the other, while putting one step further and attaching importance to the other person. He presents the theory of the other person. In the view of Bakhtin, the theory of another person draws new horizons in human bonds and their interactions within the framework of mutual, sympathetic, and equal relations in the contemporary era. In the mystical anthropology, the topic of the other person has always been attended, such that one can say mysticism revolves on the other person.
This article intends to research the meaning and status of the other person in the philosophical anthropology of Bakhtin and in mystical anthropology, to show that Gnostics, based on an ethical approach, and Bakhtin, with a social approach, have emphasized on perception of the need for existence and preference of the other person in human life.
Literary schools Received: 2012/11/19 | Accepted: 2013/08/23 | Published: 2013/08/25