Volume 19, Issue 78 (2022)                   LIRE 2022, 19(78): 7-10 | Back to browse issues page

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hayati Z, _ghandi R. Analysis of Meaning of Identity in "Bashu, The Little Stranger" With Barthes Narratology Approach. LIRE 2022; 19 (78) :7-10
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-68581-en.html
1- , hayati.zahra@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4207 Views)
Identity is an essential concept in the field of cultural and human science studies; especially the group identity with its branches such as national identity, social identity and cultural identity reflects in all art texts. Cinema is an expression mean and appears the identity conceptions in its codes consciously or unconsciously. As a part of a major research on Bahram Beizaei's movies and screenplays, this research analyzes the movie "Bashu, The Little Stranger" with narratology approach by this presupposition that it represents the identity elements in its narrative discourse. The research method is descriptive, and its theoretical framework is Roland Barthes' findings in the field of structure of narration. He defines three levels of function, action and narration for structure of narration as the first level is critical. Analysis of functions will be possible only by understanding the reason of five heremeneutic, proairetic, semantic, symbolic and cultural codes. In narratology representation of movie "Bashu, The Little Stranger" in order to understand the meaning of Identity, it was concluded that the semantic and symbolic codes have the highest reasoning, and iterative and focal reasoning of movie is the unity of social identities under the shadow of national identity.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Literature and Cinema
Received: 2021/05/10 | Accepted: 2021/09/28 | Published: 2023/03/1

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