Volume 21, Issue 84 (2024)                   LIRE 2024, 21(84): 15-21 | Back to browse issues page

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jafari A, Askari S A. black humor and its review and analysis in the Humour&Caricature Magazine(1991-2022). LIRE 2024; 21 (84) :15-21
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-66402-en.html
1- , smehdiaskari@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1193 Views)
"Humour and Caricature" Magazine is one of the Iranian comic publications that has been presenting social and popular humor in a written and pictorial way since 1991. The purpose of this article is to introduce black humor and review and analysis it in the humour and caricature magazine by studying and analyzing 298 issues of this magazine. Paying attention to the multifaceted and introverted satires and facts of the contemporary violent world has created a balance between the amount of black humor and the happy or the usual press humor in this magazine. the "Death Station" page with a hilarious look at the scary reality of death, mostly surreal and thoughtful works along with modern aphorism, memorials, anti-war and anti-terrorism works and a part of 4Dhumor and social cartoons are protuberant examples of black humor in the humour and caricature magazine. most of the amount of black humor of this magazine in the written humour section Belongs to aphorism and in the visual humor section it belongs to nocomment cartoon and caricature(face cartoon), Respectively. 36 pages, i.e. 12% on the covers and 61 pages on the back cover and inside the covers are correspondingly dedicated to black humor.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Irony and Satire
Received: 2021/10/25 | Accepted: 2022/07/28 | Published: 2024/07/31

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