Volume 19, Issue 77 (2022)                   LIRE 2022, 19(77): 45-50 | Back to browse issues page

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gorgij J, ghaemi F. Introducing manuscript and style analysis of Oral epic Kolliāt-e Garšāsp-nāma. LIRE 2022; 19 (77) :45-50
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-65706-en.html
1- , farzadghaemi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1442 Views)
A newfound manuscript which is known as Kolliat-e Garshaspname , is one of the scrolls which Its final form  has been written in Qajar era.The author of this manuscript, Morshed Gholi, has prepared this mentioned manuscript  based on a manuscript by Sef Aldin which had been related to the Safavid era (Shah  Tahmasp ) . The review of this manuscript shows that the writer has been familiar with the multiplicity of narations and has not been a mere copywriter. One of noticeble interesting narration is the death of Nariman and Garshasb in the Sepandkooh. In spite of Garshaspname naration, in this naraition, Garshasb doesn't die of natural death and is killed by the force of magnetism. The authors of this article not only introduce this manuscript but also show its linguistic and stylistic features. Based on this study, the manuscript has a simple language and using ellipsis and participle are the obvious Syntactic features of the manuscript. In terms of rhetorical aspects mainly, contains, exaggeration, irony and similes, which are mostly sensational, banal and streotype. In addition Rhyme and pun rarely exist in this manuscripton.

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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Popular literature
Received: 2021/01/5 | Accepted: 2021/09/18 | Published: 2022/10/22

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