Volume 18, Issue 74 (2021)                   LIRE 2021, 18(74): 13-20 | Back to browse issues page

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Saberi Nikoo S Z, Kazazi M J, Parnian M. The analysis of Jung's theory of unconsciousness in Goudarz's dream interpretation (in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh). LIRE 2021; 18 (74) : 3
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-60719-en.html
1- , zarinikoo@yhoo.com
Abstract:   (2565 Views)
"Dream and dream interpretation" is a common theme between literature and psychology, the most important similarity between the two is their symbolic language. In many literary works we see the narration of dreams that have been interpreted by dream interpreters and have come true. Shahnameh isn’t an exception and dream interpretation is one of the most frequent cases in this book. In this paper, the interpretation of Goodarz's dream in Shahnameh was examined from two perspectives of traditional dream interpretation and Jung's unconscious and was compared with the interpretation of a narrative. The research method of this article is comparative analysis. In the traditional dream interpretation section, dream symbols are reported based on Iranian and Islamic dream interpretation; but in the psychological analysis section, the symbols of Goodarz's dream are analyzed regarding the events of dreaming time, life events, and his personality. In the final section, the structural similarities of this dream with myths and archetypes are examined. Finally, from the perspective of traditional interpretation of the dream, the dream symbols were in accordance with their interpretation in the Shahnameh narrative, and in examining individual unconscious, it was concluded that Goodarz's unrest and concern to end Siavash's revenge battles damaged his psyche that led to such a dream. This dream can be explained from several perspectives of collective unconscious, archetypes, and alignment with ancient myths. These approaches include the hero archetype, the abandoned child, the fertility myth, and the creation myth.
Article number: 3
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Myth
Received: 2021/02/3 | Accepted: 2021/05/15 | Published: 2021/12/22

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