Volume 18, Issue 71 (2021)                   LIRE 2021, 18(71): 9-15 | Back to browse issues page

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Zarei M. An analysis of the reasons of decline in Mehdi Akhavan-Sales’s Poetry after Az In Avesta. LIRE 2021; 18 (71) :9-15
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-56201-en.html
, mehrdadzarei86@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2966 Views)

Mehdi Akhavan-Sales is one of the most famous Persian Contemporary poets. His poetry has undergone significant changes over time. After he turned into Nima'i poetry, and after the dramatic climax manifested in Az In Avesta, he gradually declined in the next collections. Given the high status of his poetry, there must have been important factors in this artistic decline. The present study has turned to seek the life and poetry of Akhavan-Sales in order to find these factors with the approach of "external-based historical criticism" and by stating that there is a reciprocal link between the works and the cultural and social situation of the historical period of their creation. Therefore, The environmenal issues and factors that have affected the spirit and emotions of Akhavan have caused his poetry to change in different dimensions, under the title of “contextual factors” and as a result of which, contextual factors emerging in Akhavan's poetry has led to declination of his poetry. The titles of the “textual factors” are divided and examined. In the end, it is clear that the environmental conditions that arise in the life of Akhavan after this Avesta, shows that he does not have the necessary motivation and power to compose poems equal to the poems of this collection with all his skills and mastery.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Modern Poetry
Received: 2020/08/13 | Accepted: 2021/04/30 | Published: 2021/07/22

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