Volume 17, Issue 69 (2021)                   LIRE 2021, 17(69): 9-33 | Back to browse issues page

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Amini H, Sadeghi Shahpar R. The Ecological Aspects of Ebrahim Younesi’s Works of Fiction. LIRE 2021; 17 (69) :9-33
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-50014-en.html
1- , r.s.shahpar@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4704 Views)
There has been a growing tendency among contemporary Iranian authors to draw upon local customs and traditions as well as the geographic features of a specific area so that the audience would discover the setting of the fiction without much effort when reading it. Many studies have so far examined the ecological, and particularly rural, characteristics of northern Iran, southern Iran, Azerbaijan, Khorasan, and Kermanshah as manifested in contemporary literary works whereas the province of Kordestan and its writers have been largely neglected. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the present study first discusses the notion of ecological fiction and describes Ebrahim Younesi’s works of fiction. Then it attempts to analyze the ecological and local features of his works which are mainly represented by Kurdish vocabulary, using sentences in his native language, folkloric songs and proverbs, local place names, references to the historical events of the region, and the traditional beliefs and customs of Kordestan.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Contemporary Literature/ Story / Novel
Received: 2020/04/25 | Accepted: 2021/01/19 | Published: 2021/02/18

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