Volume 17, Issue 68 (2020)                   LIRE 2020, 17(68): 111-136 | Back to browse issues page

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A Comparative analysis of transitional construction in the lyrical poetry of "Weiss and Ramin" with the epic poetry of "Rostam and Esfandiar". LIRE 2020; 17 (68) :111-136
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-50012-en.html
Abstract:   (2575 Views)
Halliday in the Systemic Functional Grammar model has considered three experiential metafunctions, interpersonal and textual, for the analysis of texts. Ideational metafunction refers to our experience of both the inner and the external through language. The most principal content for ideational metafunction is transitivity that considers processes types, participants in the process and marginal additions. This study attempts to examine the processes and participants existing in some sections of the two verses “Weiss and Ramin” and “Rostam and Esfandiar”, using the metafunction capabilities. This research use the analytical-statistical method. The findings includes: 1) The above material processes, along with the verbal and behavioral processes in the story of “Rostam and Esfandiar”, Created a passionate, epic atmosphere full of action and movement, while mental, relational and existential processes have taken its dynamic character from the verses of “Weiss and Ramin” to be suitable for expressing the emotional concerns and personal sentiments of the characters of the story. 2) Active participants in the story of "Rostam and Esfandiar", and inactive participants in the story of "Weiss and Ramin" are more frequent. 3) The semantic correspondence between surface structures and deep structures of the processes in "Weiss and Ramin" is very smaller thane "Rostam and Esfandiar". This research shows how lyrical and romantic literary genre overshadows some processes. And processes, which are apparently the illustrators of the transcendental world, reflect in the deep structure of the poet's inner world and the mentality of the characters in the story.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Language and Linguistics
Received: 2019/09/16 | Accepted: 2020/07/25 | Published: 2020/10/21

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