Volume 16, Issue 66 (2020)                   LIRE 2020, 16(66): 65-90 | Back to browse issues page

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Shahbazi A, Saeedipour A. Analytical description of the sketch poems of the literary return period. LIRE 2020; 16 (66) :65-90
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-41987-en.html
1- , asgharshahbazi88@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4898 Views)
literary complexity, linguistic vulgarity and assigning of Safavid period poetry to decline were among the main causes of the emergence of literary return current whose dominant thought was returning the poetry and literature to their past boundaries of authority and glory. Following this thought, imitation of the past literary works, especially the works of the poets and writers of Khorasani and Iraqi styles, and sometimes the Voghooie style, was spread. In this regard, one of the forms of imitation and following was composing the sketch poems. The sketch poems were those that were designed and ordered by the owners of the associations and literary circles, and the poets were asked to compose a poem based on the rhyme and rhythm of that sketch poetry. Although being important in examination of the style of the return period poetry, this issue has not been specifically addressed. So, the authors of this paper have tried to describe, criticize and review this topic in a content analysis method (descriptive-analytical approach). Accordingly, it has been determined that composing the sketch poems is one of the important forms of imitation and following of the predecessors' literary styles prevalent from the early Safavid period to the late Qajar dynasty. The oldest sample of composing this kind of poetry dates back to the era of ShahAbbas government and The composing this kind of poetry was also prevalent in the Qajar dynasty, especially the governments of Fath Ali Shah and Nasser al-Din Shah. Neshat Isfahani, Saba Kashani, Sahab and Mojmer are among the most famous poets of this kind. Furthermore, since this kind of poetry was composed based on a certain plan, it was mainly imitative, repetitive, and obligatory although lacked creativity and innovation, but, because it was in accordance with the dominant ideas of the literary return current, it plays a great role in returning the poetry to the past periods.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Classical literature
Received: 2019/09/4 | Accepted: 2020/01/28 | Published: 2020/04/11

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