Asgari M, fazeli M, salahi moghaddam S. subject: Critical Discourse Analysis of two satirical works of “Book of poems of Lari Rooster ” by Abolghasem Halat and “The collection of works by Mohammad Ali Afrashteh” based on Van Leeuwen's model(1996). LIRE 2019; 16 (64) :57-88
Abstract: (8339 Views)
The subject of this research was focused on the Critical Discourse Analysis of two satirical works of “Book of poems of Lari Rooster ” by Abolghasem Halat and “The collection of works by Mohammad Ali Afrashteh”, compiled by Nosratollah Noohian, based on Van Leeuwen's model(1996). This research aimed to examine the influence of ruling powers and the ideological processes of the second Pahlavi era on the explicitness (frankness) and obscurity (inexplicitness) of the word in the two works mentioned. In this article, the actors involved and participating in these satirical lyrics were evaluated based on Van Leeuwen's model components such as exclusion, impersonalization, determination, indetermination, nomination, categorization, association, differentiation, genericization and specification. We chose these works since the views of their satirist authors in the Pahlavi II era emanated from common social and political origins, while at the same time, they had different ideologies and tendencies. Therefore, such various commonalities and differences provide a basis to make comparisons between them. The study results suggested that although both satires are more eager to speak and write in obscurity and vague and classification and depersonalization are highly frequent in their poems, but unlike Abolghasem Halat, Mohammad Ali Afrashteh has enhanced the explicitness and frankness of his words by stating the names of the actors who were in power as well as criticizing the main pillars of power such as the king, royal court, clerics, and the security forces. Due to socialist tendencies, Mohammad Ali Afrashteh has also further used the referential type component to represent masses and people. Abolghasem Halat, with more use of the depersonalization component, namely, pronouns and obscure attributes, has made his word more obscure.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Irony and Satire Received: 2019/01/20 | Accepted: 2019/08/26 | Published: 2019/11/21