Volume 16, Issue 64 (2019)                   LIRE 2019, 16(64): 9-30 | Back to browse issues page

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Rajabi Z, Mirhashemi T. Studying Different forms of Qur’anic-narrative allusions in poems collection of Shafiee Kadkani. LIRE 2019; 16 (64) :9-30
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-38364-en.html
Abstract:   (6570 Views)
Allusion is one of the oldest and most used rhetorical figures that enriches the semantic and linguistic beauty of poetry. However, in contemporary literature and poetry, the growth of literary knowledge and the development of literary criticism studies has led to variety and complexity of the use of this literary figure in poetry whose examination and analysis of structural delicacies and their mechanisms require more accurate studies with new approaches. Therefore, the present study seeks to investigate structure of Qur’anic-narrative allusions in poems collection of Shafiee Kadkani in a new approach through descriptive-analytical methods in order to find out based on which form techniques, Shafiee Kadkani has used Qur’an narrations in his poetic allusions and therefore, what types of allusion can be seen in his poems?
According to the results, Shafiee Kadkani is a poet who in his narrative- Qur’nic allusions has used different parts of famous and well-known Qur'anic stories innovatively with varied and complicated structural and artistic transgressions which has created different kinds of simile, structural, ironic, multi aspects, combinational, echoic, and Proper naming allusion in his poems
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Modern Poetry
Received: 2019/02/19 | Accepted: 2019/10/16 | Published: 2019/09/21

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