Volume 11, Issue 45 (2014)                   LIRE 2014, 11(45): 47-80 | Back to browse issues page

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Challenging texts in the mystical interpretation of Kashf Ul-Asrar and Ede al-Abrar. LIRE 2014; 11 (45) :47-80
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-37788-en.html
Abstract:   (4555 Views)

Soussan Jabri ,PH.D.
The subject of this study is to present a number of unspoken and unanswered fundamental doubts on the interpretation of the works of Abul-Fazl Rashid Ed-Din Maybodi, namely Kashf Ul-Asrar and Ede al-Abrar. These doubts have led to major challenges in understanding these texts. The challenges can be classified into two groups. The first group is the contradictions between the text and the allegations of the compiler in the prelude of the first volume, who presents his goal as an elaboration on the brief interpretation rendered by Khaje Abdullah Ansari. The text shows that the interpretation of Abdullah Ansari has not been detailed, and the attesting role of his remarks has faded away compared to the remarks of other Sufi figures. In order to explain this challenge, a number of assumptions can be presented. Initially, the prelude has been authored at the very beginning, and prior to the formation of the final text, and the long process of formation of the text and passage of time has changed the nature of the text. Secondly, mastery of sources of interpretation and Sufi texts by Maybodi has expanded the interpretations and has distanced the compiler from the initial goal and plan of the book. The other group of challenges is in regard to lack of harmony in the text. Why is the language and viewpoint of the compiler throughout the mystical interpretations in the first six volumes different to the four last volumes? In order to explain this challenge, a number of assumptions can be presented: Firstly, there might have been an interval between the compilation of the first six volumes and the four last volumes. Hence, the passage of time and gradual change in cultural, political, and social conditions have impacted the mindset and language of the compiler, leading to lack of harmony in the text. Secondly, the lack of harmony has been the result of falling fervor and dynamism of the author in the last four volumes which manifests the isolation of the compiler in this phase. Thirdly, this ten-volume book has had two compilers, with one compiler preparing the first six volumes and the second compiler preparing the last four volumes.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Farsi language
Received: 2019/10/28 | Accepted: 2019/10/28 | Published: 2019/10/28

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