Volume 12, Issue 48 (2015)                   LIRE 2015, 12(48): 55-88 | Back to browse issues page

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Impact of point of view on formation of trans-contextual voice in Simin Daneshvar stories based on categorization of Gerard Genette. LIRE 2015; 12 (48) :55-88
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-37776-en.html
Abstract:   (4323 Views)

Fereshteh Rostami

The point of view is a window which is opened by the author for the reader for the latter to pay a glance at the events unfolding throughout the tale. The narrator is valued and treasured as long as he maintains his own voice. Whenever the narrator turns autonomous, the narration is harmed and the tale becomes unilateral.
This report has been carried out within the framework of categorization made by George Genette, within which five points of view in the stories authored by Daneshvar have been assessed. This article intends to realize that up to what extent the point of view in these tales has impacted the means used by the narrator and in regard to which point of view, the author has rarely interfered in the story. This article has come to realize that there are two types of voice in the said tales. Firstly, it is the voice of character or narrator which builds up the inner-text voices, and secondly there are the trans-contextual voices which are added to the text. In some points of view, there exist trans-contextual voices, and in other parts, inner-contextual voices are maintained.
The collection of data has taken place upon the assistance of library techniques. This process has been assessed with the descriptive-analytical methodology. At the end, the statistical graph will display the point of view and the scattered trans-contextual voice in texts.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Contemporary Literature/ Story / Novel
Received: 2019/10/28 | Accepted: 2019/10/28 | Published: 2019/10/28

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