Volume 6, Issue 22 (2009)                   LIRE 2009, 6(22): 39-54 | Back to browse issues page

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Hadiqah’s Influence on Sohrevardi in Creation of Encoded Stories (And Difference of Concept of “Old” in the narrative of “Meeting the Old”). LIRE 2009; 6 (22) :39-54
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-37591-en.html
Abstract:   (2005 Views)

Maryam Hosseini, PH.D
This article surveys the influence of Sanayi's Hadigheh poets on Sohrevardi's mysterious stories .This study shows how Sanayi's philosophical thoughts and poetic images in Hadigheh  leads Sohrevardi to benefit from them in creating his books like 'Gabriel's Feather Song","Red Wisdom"and "The book of lovers' companion."
and uses Hadigheh's poets in his stories.
The other issue discussed in this article is the difference of attitudes of these two 9Sohrevardi and Sanayi) on the actual meaning of "The old".The central part of the mysterious books is about the event of meeting "The old"In Sohrevardi's philosophical system "The old stands for the" active wisdom" in Peripateticism philosophy and Gabriel in religion.In Sanayi's classification of the universe,in accordance with the Neo-Platonists, the"General Soul"meets the disciple and becomes his guide.As a matter of fact, within Hadigheh and "Seir-Ol-Ebad" ,Sanayi introduces the" Genaral Soul" as a medium for the grace of the "Comprehensive Wisdom" to the material world,while Sohrevardi benefits from the Peripateticist philosophers in this regard.
The method of study in this article is comparative and we compare Sohrevardi's mysterious stories like "Gabriel's Feather Song","Red Wisdom"and "The book of lovers' companion." with poets of Sanayi's Hadigheh.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Popular literature
Received: 2019/10/21 | Accepted: 2019/10/21 | Published: 2019/10/21

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