Volume 16, Issue 63 And بهار (2019)                   LIRE 2019, 16(63 And بهار): 149-186 | Back to browse issues page

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Mansori P, Ghafelebashi S E. A study of lexical and semantic deviation from the norm of tāleb āmoli sonnets. LIRE 2019; 16 (63) :149-186
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-36977-en.html
1- , Mansouri_p313@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (6575 Views)
Defamiliarization is a literary theory that has been raised up by victor shklovsky for the first time. It is any kind of effort and device for avoiding repetition and habit in the language that  is accompanied by foregrounding and deviation from the norm. this theory would keep on later with some other formalists like romani Jacobson and yuri tynyanov. But unlike shklovsky, they believed that literary devices would get familiar and cliché after some whiles, so it is important for those devices to be defamiliarized to be able to play their previous and primitive role. On the contrary of formalits view, geoffrey n. leech, the great linguistic said that defamiliarization is not happened just in lexical level but it happens in semantic level too. This kind happens in metonymy, simile, sarcasm, synaesthesia, metaphor and personification. Tāleb āmoli is one of the greatest hindi style poets that used a lot of defamiliarization and deviating from the norm in his sonnets and metaphors and he himself is proud of this affair in his poems. We are going to study and analyze lexical and semantic deviation from the norm in simile, metaphor specially personification. Meanwhile the frequency of the whole metaphors is shown in a diagram.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Language and Linguistics
Received: 2019/01/5 | Accepted: 2019/07/24 | Published: 2019/10/1

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