Volume 16, Issue 63 And بهار (2019)                   LIRE 2019, 16(63 And بهار): 63-87 | Back to browse issues page

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Hayati Z, Firozi Bajandi M. Comparison of the writer's and director’s method of expression in characterization. LIRE 2019; 16 (63) :63-87
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-36973-en.html
1- , hayati.zahra@gmail.com
Abstract:   (6070 Views)
The study of differences and similarities of a single story in two different media is a kind of inter-media study which can be defined under the modern comparative literature. If this comparison is done between a written story and an adapted movie, it will be considered as an adapted study. These studies can be divided into two types: traditional and modern. In traditional studies, critics compare a story theme in two media; however, in modern studies, the emphasis is on the nature of medium and its impact on the way of narration.
This research is an attempt to study the written story of Gavkhooni and the movie adapted based on it. The research question is which factors cause the writer’s and director’s method of expression will be similar or different. The research was restricted by selecting a structural element that is personality. The two core discussions of the research are the possibility of changing a written text into a cinematic one, and director’s creativity in using the signs of the guest media. The research concluded that sometimes the thematic (and less, literary) capacity of a text and the adaptor’s creativity (the cinematic aspect) have simultaneous roles (both influence and being influenced) in changing a literary text into a cinematic one. Of course, this does not mean to compliment or confirm a work but it is just a study of the kind of interaction existed between the two texts.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Literature and Cinema
Received: 2018/04/10 | Accepted: 2019/08/28 | Published: 2019/10/1

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