Volume 15, Issue 61 And پاییز (2018)                   LIRE 2018, 15(61 And پاییز ): 153-184 | Back to browse issues page

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Vahidnia A, Gholamhoseinzadeh G, Shobeiri N, Nikoobakht N. The Signs of Persian- Islamic Mysticism in Three Andalusian Sufis' Works: Ibn Arabi, Ibn Abbad of Ronda & San Juan de la Cruz. LIRE 2018; 15 (61) :153-184
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-34227-en.html
Abstract:   (7403 Views)
Islamic mysticism developed in Persia, had reached Al-Andalus as an important cultural element, after the dominance of earlier centuries. This article wants to answer the question that if Iranian Sufis' works, especially the Persian ones, has been any impacts on Andalusian Mysticism, based on historical and comparative researching. The results show that great Andalucian Sufis such as Ibn- Massarra, Ibn- Arabi and Ibn- Abbad of Ronda aimed this school to grow up by taking effect from the eastern Sufis' – especially Iranians' – thoughts and books. Their works had a great impact on medieval-age Spain, so that even "La Reconquista" could not eliminate Islamic-Iranian mysticism from the Spanish culture.  The famous Spanish priest, San Juan de la Cruz, in his poems shows an obvious tendency to Persian mystical works. Common images and themes between Iranian Sufis and San Juan may lead one to find a historical relation among them.
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Article Type: Original Research |
Received: 2018/09/1 | Accepted: 2018/12/15 | Published: 2019/01/10

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