Volume 15, Issue 61 And پاییز (2018)                   LIRE 2018, 15(61 And پاییز ): 39-74 | Back to browse issues page

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Ramin Nia M, Ebrahimi Ivar M. From Reflection of Tradition to Modern Text Reproduction: Species Adopted in Reza Ghasemi's Plays. LIRE 2018; 15 (61) :39-74
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-34222-en.html
Abstract:   (7406 Views)
Rereading and recreating literary texts enables intertextual conversation and also transferring and enriching the concepts and themes. Furthermore, it contributes to the creation of the works closer to the taste of contemporaneous audience. Literary works adaption has always been viewed as a resource to create new art and literary works. Reza Ghasemi, a contemporary author and playwright. Has applied Persian literary potentials in his plays. Some of his plays were adapted from traditional Persian literature while some there ones were taken from dramatic and modern works.
Embedded in Deborah's theory, this paper is to closer some adaption techniques in Ghasemi's plays considering reflection, review, recreation and emphasis. For this purpose, five plays were selected of the most important based on adaption.
A close analysis of Ghasemi's plays illustrates that those plays written in Iran rereads traditional texts of Persian literature while two written plays outside of Iran are being adapted from modern plays and stories. Such plays as “ Zahak became king over the world”, “ Mahan Koshyar” and “ the dilemma of the architect Mahyar” are taken from the Zhak by the Ferdowsi and Seven Beauty of Nizami Ganjavi respectively. Likewise, “ it's your turn Mercutio” and the portrait(Temsal) are two plays adopted from several modern texts. Those plays adopted from Persian classical literature are mostly reflecting, rereading and transferring concepts in their genres. Enjoying new plot and characterization in a different setting, his modern plays are of recreating trait in spite of transferring and interpreting concepts in source texts. In both texts, Ghasemi tries to converse with his predecessors and contemporaries and with the audience of his texts simultaneously.
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Article Type: Original Research |
Received: 2018/05/29 | Accepted: 2018/12/15 | Published: 2019/01/10

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