Volume 10, Issue 39 (2013)                   LIRE 2013, 10(39): 9-26 | Back to browse issues page

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Gnostics’ view toward working. LIRE 2013; 10 (39) :9-26
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-31-en.html
Abstract:   (8425 Views)
Earning a living maintains its manifestations in the lives of different strata of people in different forms and shapes and no group of people have been needless of jobs. A glance at the economic activities of Gnostics shows a group of them believed in working. This writing has studied the relationship between workers and their works. In this manner, initially the most important Farsi mystical books have been studied to portray the manifestations of jobs from their anecdotes. To this end, the books Tazakorat al-Oliaa, Al-Lama, Tabaqaat al-Sofia, Resaalat Qeshriyah, Nafahaat al-Ons, and, Samaraat al-Qods min Shajaraat al-Ons were studied and anecdotes related to work were extracted and studied. The results show that from the view of Gnostics, working gains meaning not only as a source of livelihood, but as a means for meeting the needs of the vulnerable and needy strata, within the framework of which the experts and their trainees also purify their soul. This in turn sets the stage for their spiritual development and brings out the best in them.
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Subject: Child literature
Received: 2012/04/22 | Accepted: 2013/04/14 | Published: 2013/05/22

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