Abstract: (8745 Views)
One of the proposed topics in Persian semantics is the cases where information with rhetorical intentions turns into composition. One of these cases is the function of the verb “want” in expressing information. This verb normally transforms information to demanding composition when it is used in predicative sentence and it turns into a means for transmitting Tamanni and Tarajji’s conception. This function is definite in some cases and has the ability to pass a rhetorical judgement and become a rule in the Persian semantics. In some other cases it depends on appropriacy of the teller condition. This article intends to investigate the mentioned cases and extract a new rule. Hence after explanation of some generalities about information and composition, it assesses the features of the verb “want” in Persian grammar with an analytic- comparative approach and investigates the function of that from semantics aspect. Next, using the descriptive-analytic method it confirms the mentioned function through Hafez language. This research, in addition to explain of a rhetorical rule, recognizes a new remark in Persian grammar and reckons the verb “want” as a subjunctive construction factor that it can transform predicative modality of the future verb to potential modality.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Language and Linguistics Received: 2017/12/26 | Accepted: 2018/09/12 | Published: 2018/11/21