Volume 9, Issue 38 (2013)                   LIRE 2013, 9(38): 59-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Comparative Study of Three-dimensional Intertextuality of Gennete and parts of Islamic Rhetoric Theory. LIRE 2013; 9 (38) :59-72
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-1522-en.html
Abstract:   (10849 Views)
Intertextual links in the formalism theory, intertextuality theory of
Kristeva, Trans-textuality theory of Jennet and the theory of Bloom's
anxiety of influence, are some of the new approaches to reading and
literary criticism Under these approaches, none of the text is
independent of others, and each text is an intertextual derived from
earlier texts that will be present in the later texts as well.
Gérard Genette, one of the theorists in the field of intertextual
links, has classified his trans-textuality theory into five dimensions,
one of which is the intertextual axis. He divided intertextuality into
three types intertextual links i.e. open-intention, hidden-intention and
implicit and has defined and assigned conceptual realm of each of this
Considering the fact that the outcome of teaching poetic art led to
embodiments of intertextual links in Islamic, Persian and Arabic
rhetoric, this paper using descriptive-analytic approach, makes a
comparative study of three-dimensional intertextuality of Janet and
parts of Islamic rhetoric theory. The research results show that some
literatrary components, such as guarantee, allegory, resolution, and
adaptation as well as some of literary robberies in Islamic rhetoric are
consistent with models from three-dimensional intertextual patterns.
Full-Text [PDF 173 kb]   (5141 Downloads)    
Subject: Adaptive literature
Received: 2012/09/20 | Accepted: 2012/12/15 | Published: 2013/02/19

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