Abstract: (8421 Views)
The concept of love is one of the most common themesof Persian poetry over all periods especially in the sonnets of theninth century A. H.This conceptin Abdol-Rahman Jami’s triple poetic works, that have been composed in accordance with his three stages of life (i. e. his youth, middleage and old age), has been stated in different forms and involves a special developmental process. For instance, inhis youth, he as a lover poet follows his predecessor poets, especiallySaʻdi to create his own love sonnet discourse.In his middleage love sonnets thatcoincided with the development of the ideas ofIbn-e-Arabi in the school of unity of existence, Jami created his love sonnet discourseas a poetic mystic.This concept, finally in his old age poems, in coincidence with the anarchy and collapse of the Timurid government, developed according to the principles ofVaSukhtschool (that means the School ofturning away from the beloved). This study tries to use Norman Fairclough's method in Critical Discourse Analysis, and Michael Halliday's ideas in Systematic Functional Grammar to investigate the development of love discourse in Jami’s sonnets.In this regard, among the various language metafunctions, the Ideational metafunction has been focused here because of its accordance with sonnet genre and lyrical literature as whole. The development of love discourse in Jami’s sonnets has been mainly realized through the development of material and mental processes as well as by referring to the main participants of the love discourse, the beloved and the lover respectively as YOU, andI.
Child literature Received: 2011/10/30 | Accepted: 2011/11/22 | Published: 2012/05/16