This article is an effort to recognize the devil of “Az”_avarice- and its significance in Greek mythology and Zoroastrian texts as well as the worthy masterpiece of Ferdowsi_Shahnameh_ and the evil nature of this mighty and powerful devil the ways of fighting with whom have been discussed in some mythological and Zoroastrian sources. The importance of Az’s presence in Shahnameh has been dealt with based on certain verses of Shahnameh . The author has tried his best to besides unveiling the avarice of a number of kings and heroes mentioned in Shahnameh, highlight the deceit of this treacherous evil. Those kings who successfully resisted the deceit of the devil and promoted justice, goodness and generosity have been introduced in the article as well. In a nutshell, the article differentiates between avarice and greed and making the best of what life offers and other such issues.