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Showing 5 results for Articulation

Volume 1, Issue 3 (3-2004)

As one of the most significant linguistic issues, The theory of the origin of language has resulted in a number of attitudes and ideas throughout the history. The scientists, philosphers and liguists of different nations are stated their points of view individually by making use of reasoning as the proof to their claims. This, in return, has led to ideas such as:Language as inspiration, signification as intrinsic, language as conventional, language as artistic creation and language as a reflex.
The tangibility and naturalness of the relation between the signifier and the signified in onomatopoeia, an in a way support the theory that signification is innate and intrisic.
In this article we have tried to introduce the different types of  onomatopoeia and their use in language.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2015)

By reviewing the current methodological topics in cultural studies, yet some kinds of theory/method dualisms are distinguishable. Going beyond these dualisms, requires emphasizing the importance of qualitative researches in cultural studies. In this article, we try to discuss the problem, which is focused on the dualistic contentions in the methodology of sociology and cultural studies. Next, with respect to the politics of theory and politics of method in cultural studies, we try to introduce an analytical approach, which helps us out to move beyond these dualistic quarrels. This analytical approach is well-known as “conjunctural analysis”. In this article, after detailed presenting this approach, and its conceptual origins that developed by Machiavelli, Marx, Lenin, Gramsci and Althusser, we argue how this approach can be applied in cultural studies. This argument reminds us that there is an intensive relationship between decentering method/theory dualism and possibilities of a cultural study as interventionist and contextual knowledge that is sensitive to history.   

Volume 11, Issue 2 (3-2020)

Cultural revolution in Iran has been usually represented as an inescapable consequence of 1979 revolution, which imposed by government’s will to suppress the opponents and stabilize new order. Such descriptions lack the conditions and disputes out of which the event emerged. In this article, we contend that making sense of cultural revolution requires a more effective illustration through understanding the historical conditions, its relation with society and a thick description of the events. Moreover, based on conjunctural analysis, we argue that the whole procedure of the event can be analyzed in three episodes: the emergence, institutionalization, and re-opening of the universities. It seems that a series of events had an active hand in the processes including the rise of Islamists, the state’s weakness, the hostage crisis, the border unrests, the widespread clearings, the election of the first parliament, and the bombing of the offices of Islamic Republic Party and the prime minister. Furthermore, several critical issues initiate the event, including its scope and extension, the feature of post- revolutionary university, and the responsive authorities. In addition, the problem of academic order contributed in the period of institutionalization and establishing the Bureau of the Cultural Revolution. The last but not the least problem formed around reopening of humanities in universities. We argued the articulation of events and problems led to problematization of cultural revolution. Also this articulation illustrates the beginnings of ideological cultural politics in post-revolutionary Iran.

Volume 11, Issue 6 (3-2020)

own self dimensions and delegitimize the others’ elements; legitimation, from the semiotic-discursive point of view, is a process that hegemonizes power through discourse articulation. The authors’ aim in this paper is to investigate and identify the way in which the legitimating mechanisms of gendered discourses function in contemporary Persian story literature. Hence, they provide a deconstructive reading of the methodology of Van Leeuwen (2007) based on Laclau and Mouffe (2001) and Derrida (1983) and take advantage of a variety of linguistic tools. Then, in order to analyze the functions of these mechanisms, they go through the “Solok” and purposefully examine some of its parts. Finally, they respond to the research question about how the legitimizing mechanisms of gendered discourses operate and introduce four structures, i.e. simple, compound, complex, and chain, in those mechanisms. Moreover, they show that after gaining and achieving the legitimacy, the gendered discourses step forward to maintain and fix the legitimacy and delegitimize the other explicitly and implicitly- by the way of recontextualization.
 1. Introduction
Legitimation is a discursive mechanism that seeks to hegemonize the operation of any discourse. The purpose of this study is to investigate the function of de / legitimation mechanisms of gendered discourses in the contemporary story literature.
The importance of this research can be discussed in three dimensions. First, the researched body is story literature which benefits from the tools that make it more hegemonic than other wirtten texts such as political ones. The second is its methodology which provides a deconstructive reading of Van Leeuwen (2007) theory of legitimation. Finally, it goes beyond the description and tries to explain how discursive legitimation works in the story under study.
The main question is how gendered discourses in the Dolatabadi's Solok try to legitimize own self dimensions and delegitimize the others’ elements. And finally, the hypothesis is that the gendered discourses in Solok try to legitimize their dimensions by changing their articulations, creating discursive nodes, and crystallizing around those nodes, and try to de-legitimize the other by rejecting the signs’ concepts.
2. Methodology
The methodology of this study benefits from the deconstructive reading of the methodology of Van Leeuwen (2007) based on Laclau & Mouffe (2001) and Derrida (1983) and it takes advantage of a variety of linguistic tools.
Van Leeuwen (2007) identified four legitimation mechanisms - each consists of some subcategories - that operates separately or jointly to de / legitimize discourses:
  1. Authorization: Legitimation by reference to the authority of tradition, custom, law, and/or persons in whom institutional authority of some kind is vested. It has six types: personal authority, expert authority, role model authority, impersonal authority, the authority of tradition, and the authority of conformity.
  2. Moral evaluation: Legitimation by reference to value systems. It is consisted of evaluation, abstraction, and analogies.
  3. Rationalization: Legitimation by reference to the goals and uses of institutionalized social action and to the knowledges that society has constructed to endow them with cognitive validity. It could be instrumental or theoretical rationalization, which the former is consisted of goal, means, and effect orientation and the latter of expreintial, scientific, definition, explanation, and prediction.
  4. Mythopoesis: Legitimation conveyed through narratives whose outcomes reward legitimate actions and punish nonlegitimate actions. By definition, this category is consisted of moral tales, cautionary tales, single determination, and overditermination which in its turn it is of two types: inversion and symbolization.
The above is the start point of our methodology in this study. While using it as the core of the methodology, we tried to deconstruct its categorizations by the use of Derrida’s approach on deconstruction and threshold as well as Laclau & Mouffe’s explanation on the concept of discourse.  
Derrida (1983) discusses about “deconstruction” in “Letter to a Japaness Friend”. He believes “Deconstruction takes place, it is an event that does not await the deliberation, consciousness, or organisation of a subject, or even of modernity. It deconstructs it-self. It can be deconstructed.”. Then, he emphasizes on the importance of “context”. While describing Derrida in detail, Nojoumian writes: “Derrida believes that the boundaries between discourses are invalid and says that discourses leak into each other” (2016: 56). Thus, the legitimation cannot remain tough and untouchable, because the discourse fixation is limited and temporary, and it collapses at the discourse boundaries - the threshold - and is placed in a paradoxical status.
Moreover, Laclau & Mouffe (2001) define the discourse as to the following:
we will call articulation any practice establishing  a  relation  among  elements  such  that  their  identity  is modified  as  a  result  of  the  articulatory  practice.  The  structured totality resulting from  the articulatory practice, we will call discourse. The differential  positions, insofar as they appear articulated within a discourse, we will call moments. By contrast, we will call element any difference that is not discursively articulated.
Following Van Leeuwen (2007) we asked the narrator “Why should I accept your narration?” and / or “Why should I accept the gendered discourses as you represented them?”. And finally, having new tools of analysis with regard to the concept of discourse, its articulation, and its unstable boundaries, i.e. the threshold, as well as the deconstructive reading of Van Leeuwen (2007), we analyized of Dolatabadi’s “Solok”.
3. Conclusion
The innovation of this research has two prominent aspects. First, the authors dealt with the story literature which uses a high degree of hegemony and the narrator benefits from a variety of linguistically narrative and aesthetic mechanisms to legitimize his omniscience and narration. Second, the authors methodologically adopted a deconstructive reading of Van Leeuwen (2007) by use of Laclau & Mouffe (2001) and Derrida (1983).  
In the analysis, it has been noticed that despite the narrator’s efforts to gain, maintain, and fix the legitimacy for the intended discourses in the story, he had no way but to be caught in paradox. Hence, the research hypothesis of changing the articulation of gendered discourse in SOLOK in order to legitimize their own nodes and simultaneously de-legitimize the other’s dimension is confirmed. 
Also, the linguistic structure of de/legitimation mechanisms can be generally presented in four categories: 1) simple: a proposition de/legitimize another proposition, 2) compound: at least two propositions de/legitimize the other proposition, 3) complex (nested): a proposition that is de/legitimizing the other proposition, has a de/legitimation structure in itself. 4) chainlike: sequences of propositions that move one after the other in the direction of legitimizing, maintaining and fixing it.

Volume 15, Issue 3 (11-2024)

 On the Elaboration of Contexts of Situation with Special Reference toRequesting Strategies in BaliI Made Netra  , I Made Suastra  , & I Putu SutamaAbstractOver the last two decades, the study of meaning has been done utilizing context of situation. It has been practiced in determining the speaker’s meanings in languages around the world. However, this research attempts to develop an elaborated form of context of situation in a culture-specific Balinese language and to explicate the speaker’s meaning bound by the elaborated context. To this end, an approach of participatory observation was applied which  was qualitative and  descriptive in nature. The data were collected from respondents and informants of Buleleng and Gianyar regencies,considering that although they share the same language, their understanding on requesting strategies, however, might be different. Requesting strategies in Balinese is contextually bound by a given and elaborated context of situation, which is referred to as Desa Kala Patra functioning both as a context of situation and an adjustment for language effectiveness.  The elaborated context is immensely applicable to different requests. The requests are articulated based on the Balinese cultural scripts. Again, as an elaborated context of situation, Desa Kala Patra can bind the requesting strategies.  As an adjustment for language effectiveness, Desa Kala Patra can mostly shift the direct strategies into indirect ones. Indirect requests can be expressed by asking, tag-questioning, giving information, giving advice, providing alternative points, offering, complaining, greeting, and inviting. The practices of requesting are configured by low-level scripts using exponents of philosophical aspects, Desa Kala Patra itself, “ if/then” condition, mechanism, results, and concluding statement.

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