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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The aim of the upcoming research is to study aspects of the problem of implicit meaning that show that the language indexes this meaning to express it. Therefore, the issues that have been reviewed here should be considered, in the first place, as a means to develop sensitivity to the extraordinary subtleties of language to process this meaning that, in our hypothesis, can only be properly understood if we return to it its inherent dynamism and follow the path of its evolution for each utterance exclusively. After that, the obtained results gave us the opportunity to improve some of the past opinions and help advance the discussions in this field. Our reading of the topic and the results of the analyzes strengthened our belief that commenting on implied meaning, regardless of the process of its production, will be mixed with a kind of dogmatism, the abolition of which depends on acknowledging the role that has the explicit meaning in this, because in our opinion, the explicit and implicit meanings are not separate and independent from each other. So, during the discussion, we have tried to include in the analysis the variables that change from one utterance to another and from one context to another and may be ignored, so that we can remain relativistic despite our orientations that are manifested in a set of new definitions.The results of the analyzes indicated this fact that language condenses meaning ...

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Examining the meaning of a word with the approach of cognitive semantics, through the radial network, analyzes the change of the meaning of the word in different contexts in the form of a systematic pattern. In this view, the word has a central meaning, which is also seen in the secondary concepts. Based on this, the secondary meanings that are proposed for the word are somehow tied with the central meaning and a semantic network is formed. Due to the fact that this theory can explain the semantic development of the word and clarify how they came about, we decided to use it to explain the semantic network of zikr in the Qur'an with a descriptive and analytical method. Dealing with the word zikr according to this theory leads us to the following conclusions: The linguistic remembrance of Allah along with the presence of the heart is the central meaning of the word zikr. This meaning is the central core of the coherent semantic network, which consists of six radial meanings based on the first meaning.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Among the challenges of language acquisition, developing writing proficiency is widely acknowledged as particularly demanding. Learners must not only select appropriate vocabulary but also use it effectively within a specific context. However, the emphasis on writing skill development should not solely lie in memorizing grammatical rules. Rather, grammar should serve as a tool to facilitate clear and effective communication of ideas. Consequently, prioritizing and strategically selecting essential grammar rules for instruction can significantly enhance and expedite the acquisition of writing skills. This research employs a descriptive-analytical method and utilizes a questionnaire to investigate the potential effects of streamlining Arabic grammar instruction on facilitating and accelerating the development of writing skills in Arabic among Persian undergraduate students majoring in Arabic Language and Literature. To achieve this objective, the study employed a researcher-designed questionnaire distributed among a sample of 16 Arabic language teachers and experts. This instrument aimed to identify the relative importance of Arabic grammar components across three proficiency levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Informed by expert opinion, the research proposes a tiered approach to Arabic grammar instruction. At the beginner level, priority is given to mastering structural order and interrogative particles. The intermediate level focuses on relative nouns, causative constructions, and the mood system. Finally, advanced learners concentrate on verbal mode and aspects. Additionally, the findings highlight the experts' emphasis on introducing similar Arabic and Persian grammar rules in the early stages of education, and Arabic-specific rules at higher levels.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present study aimed to evaluate pragmatic skill of adult right and left hemispheres damaged Persian speaking patients using the Persian version of the Montreal Protocol for the Evaluation of Communication (M.E.C.). The statistical populations of the study were 10 adults, right and left hemispheres damaged Persian speaking patients due to cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Two sets of tests were used in the present study. The first ones were screening tests included Lateral Preference Inventory (Corn test), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Persian Diagnostic Aphasia Battery (EQ1). The Performance of patients in protocol subtests were evaluated and compared with each other individually, intragroup and intergroup. Data were analyzed using inferential statistical methods and no meaningful relations were found between them. These findings indicated that damage to the right and left hemispheres of the brain leads to pragmatic impairments. However, damages to the right hemisphere increases the severity of pragmatic impairments more than damages to the left hemisphere.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Besides the main elements such as setting, theme, plot, and conflicts, any narrative or story requires another key element called character. It is the character that adds meaning and life to each of these elements, transforming a narrative into a compelling story. Characterization is essentially the process of bringing life and creating human figures from the elements of a narrative discourse. Creating and developing characters in the realm of storytelling and art is a delicate and novel task referred to as “characterization.” This process results in the creation of characters that are believable, engaging, and understandable for the audience. Characterization establishes a bridge of communication between the reader’s or viewer’s mind and the world of the story, enabling them to empathize with the characters, understand their emotions, and become curious about their actions and motivations, thereby increasing audience engagement.The corpus of this research consists of short stories by the Afghan author Mohammad Asef Soltanzadeh. The present study, relying on Soltanzadeh’s ability to utilize and develop story characters, is conducted in a descriptive-analytical manner. The aim has been to analyze the use of the element of characterization and the interaction between pragmatics and stylistics in three short stories from the collection “Nowruz is Only Splendid in Kabul,” considering Culpeper’s theoretical framework (2017). The results of this study indicate that characterization consistently follows three elements: the degree of narrative control, the dialectic of self and other, and explicit and implicit meanings within the overall narrative discourse, which the author skillfully employs.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Recitation of the Holy Qur’an has its own phonological rules. This paper addresses total nasal place and manner assimilation, known as “idgham”, that lead to “gemination with nasalization” and “gemination without nasalization”. The former which is accompanied by lengthening occurs in the environment where the /n/ in the coda position precedes one of the four sonorants /j/, /m/, /w/, and /n/ in the onset position of the following syllable. However, the latter which is not accompanied by lengthening occurs in the environment where /n/ in the coda position precedes either of the sonorant liquids /r/ or /l/ in the onset position of the following syllable. The present research aimed at identifying the constraints whose interactions cause either of these processes in the recitation of the Holy Qur’an within the framework of optimality theory (Prince and Smolensky, 1993/2004). The results of this paper are as follows: The [+long] geminated [n:.n] is the result of gemination of /n/ in the coda position with /n/ in the onset position. The [+long] geminated [m:.m] is the result of total nasal place assimilation of /n/ in the coda position with /m/ in the onset position. The [-long] geminated [r.r] and [l.l] are the result of total manner assimilation of /n/ in the coda position, respectively with /r/ and /l/ in the onset position. The [+long] geminated [j:.j] and [w:.w] are the result of both total nasal place and manner assimilations of /n/ in the coda position, respectively with /j/ and /w/ in the onset position.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This paper investigates the two discursive systems of performance and tension in the poem "Katibeh" of “Akhavan Sales”. The performance-oriented narrative system is formed based on the external lake with the focus on "performance". While the tension system originates from an inner-emotional lake and has an interactive relationship with the performer’s knowledge of existence. Due to having the content of narrative discourse," Katibeh " includes value-oriented performance and tensions, in which, the dominant systems are capable to investigate semiotics. This research aims at showing the fundamental aspect of meaning making of this poem and how the meaning appears in theinitial comprehension of the discourse among the unique signs.
For this purpose, the research has determined the types of discourse system such as performance system, tense-emotional system and the techniques of concept elaboration, connection with contacts message sending in the poem "Katibeh" using a descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research indicate that the teller has succeeded in producing the intended mental meaning -philosophical despair and being defeated by destiny- and conveying it to the reader with the artistic arrangement of the parts of the language. When the subject is faced with the "Katibeh" he becomes tense with himself, and due to his inability to get out of this tension and realize the secret of the "Katibeh", he finds almost all performances impossible under high emotional pressure.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The question of research is to what extent the translator has reflected the function of source text in the system of target text, and has followed the style of source text in conveying the meaning? The authors used a descriptive-analytical method based on the Systemic Functional Approach of Halliday and Matthiessen. They aimed to compare the thematic structure of one poem in Rumi's Masnavi and its English translation and answer the following questions:
1. According to Halliday’s Functional Theory, how were the theme types used in this poem of Masnavi
 and its translation?
2. Considering the comparative analysis of thematic structure in the source and target texts, what changes occurred in the textual meaning of the translated text? And to what extent has the translator been successful in transferring the concepts?
According to Halliday's model, the application frequency of topical and multiple themes as well as the marked and unmarked types in the clauses of two poems were calculated. The translator has been successful in translating 90% of the clauses containing unmarked themes and has been less successful in translating 66.6% of the clauses with marked themes and in conveying the meaning and emphasis intended by the author because of not considering the style of source text in theme markedness. Considering Halliday’s Approach of Equivalence in Translation, similarity in using the theme types in source and translation texts can indicate translator's adherence to the style of source text in conveying the textual meaning and achieving functional equivalence in translation process.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present study aims to investigate the aggregate analysis of linguistic variables of South Ruedbar language varieties in Kerman province by using the dialectometry and mapping software package with a quantitative and holistic approach. Data collection has been done from 22 sites from the south seven cities of Kerman province. For this purpose, a questionnaire containing 208 words and 10 basic sentences based on ‘National Language Atlas Project Questionnaire of Iran’ and ‘Morris Swadesh basic list words’ are used. The validity of mentioned questionnaire was 0.98 based on Cronbach’s alpha test. The results of aggregate analysis showed that 6 major dialect clusters are distinct and these dialect clusters are divided into subclusters. Each of these dialect clusters has distinct phonetical, phonological, morphological, or syntactical features that set it apart from other clusters. Based on statistical analysis, the ‘A’ dialect cluster due to the use of the continuous prefix /mi-/ and plural suffix /-hɑ/ in comparison to other clusters has the highest similarity and the ‘B’ cluster in cases such as the use of the infinitive suffix /-eng/ and continuous suffix /-æ/ has the highest difference in terms of morphology and syntacticity with the standard Persian. The ‘J’, ‘D’, ‘H’ and ‘V’ dialect clusters despite their distinction from the standard Persian, as the use of the continuous prefix /-ʔæ/ and plural suffix /-on/, are most similar to Aeach other and in terms of phonetic process and the presence of South Ruedbar variety special phones are similar to ‘B’cluster.


Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The human experience is shaped through effective collaboration with forces. Johnson (1987) initially highlighted the significance of force schemas in conceptualizing events. Thus, this research seeks to explore this topic using a library-based approach, focusing on the force schemas presented in Johnson's cognitive semantics model and their application in Quranic verses related to infaq (almsgiving). In this inquiry, I seek to identify which force schemas are most commonly used in these verses and how they contribute to the understanding of the concept of infaq. In the analysis of the research data on the ethical concept of infaq in the Holy Quran, the concept of force image-schemas based on Johnson's model was used. The importance of the topic of infaq and the presence of force image-schemas in it were the reasons for choosing this ethical concept. In this regard, I examined the seven types of power in the context of infaq in the Holy Quran. The results showed that the force image-schema of obligation has the most frequency. In figurative language, the divine revelation's imperative and prohibitive commands, exert a pressure that functions as a force of compultion. After the force schema of compultion, the force schema of blockage has the highest frequency. In the Holy Quran, factors such as greed, hypocrisy, disbelief, and denial are introduced as obstacles to infaq. The force schema of "deviation from the path" does not exist in the interpretation of the verses of infaq.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Adding suffix is one of the methods of making words to produce various meanings. Various semantic contexts vary depending on the suffixes and prefixes in the word derivation. The suffixes "-är", "-gär", "-gar", "-an", "-nadeh" are known in Persian as suffixes that produce adjectives and nouns. In Russian the following suffixes:
-тель, -арь, -чик, -щик, ...
In the row, there are suffixes for making nouns. Among the above two suffixes "-арь" and "-тель" in Russian language are analyzed to find equivalence in Persian language.
The purpose of writing this research is to identify the active and passive suffixes in Russian and Persian languages ​​and to examine them against each other in understanding their meaning and form, relying on the theory of semantic-lexical expression (Liber) 2004 and the grammatical theory. The questions that we seek to answer in this article are, what is the degree of convergence and divergence of the semantic expansion of active and passive suffixes in two languages? Is it possible to make some words with the help of existing words, according to the generative and cognitive grammar approach, to what extent the semantic overlap allows the reproduction of some figures. And as a result of this research: it was found that the investigated suffixes in two languages ​​use the same basic units of noun + infinitive + suffix, but in the semantic part, the expected correspondence does not match completely.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The purpose of the semiotics of discourse approach is to communicate between semantic layers and differentiating units of the linguistic, social and intertdiscursive conext at the macro level in order to achieve meaning with the help of cognitive tools of text and discourse. This research interprets and explains how to produce, understand and receive meaning in the context of discourse systems in "Wuthering Heights" within the framework of the semiotics of discourse approach. Discourse systems include two categories, either they are based on Speech-Action and Movement-Action (Behavior) which create cognitive discourse systems or they are based on Sense-Action­ which are the generators of emotional discourse systems. In this research, the representation of Speech-Action, Movement-Action (Behavior) and Sense-Action­ and their feedback in the participants within the text and discourse of the novel has been discussed. Discourse analysis in the text and situational context of the novel based on the semiotics of discourse approach of Greimas is rooted in cognitive perspectives, because Speech-Action and Movement-Action build the infrastructure and a platform for the motivation of Sense-Action­ in the audience of the discursive context. Heathcliff and Catherine are two main characters of the novel who depict the Sense-Action­ of love along with the behavior and Speech-Action of revenge in the textual and intertextual semantic layers. Heathcliff gains the necessary mental, physical and financial competences and performs the action by going through the first stage of Sense-Action­

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

 The turning increasingly of educational centers to Virtual and online classes shows necessity of paying attention to the quality of training and deep and meaningful learning using modern educational methods in this type of training.This study aims to investigate the effect of k.w.l strategy, which is one of the educational metacognitive strategies and was introduced based on the constructivism theory for deep and meaningful learning by Ogel, in the onlin class of teaching Arabic grammar,to asses the effectiveness of this strategy in meaningful and deep learning of Arabic grammar.The study used Quasi-experimental method with pre and post test on the control and experimental groups who were trained virtually. statistical population included 34 students in the first semester of the bachelor at Khwarizmi public University in(1400). The sample was selected by the available method and then randomly divided into two groups .Data analysis was done by(spss). In order to determine the presence or absence of influence between variables and to estimate and generalize the results obtained from the sample size to the statistical population,the combined analysis of covariance or repeated measures test(GLMRM)was used to assess and evaluate the research data. According to results, average of pre-test scores of the Arabic grammar variables in the control and experimental groups are 2.40 and 2.04,respectively, and these averages in the post-test of these groups are reported 2.55 and 3.01 respectively,so there is a significant difference betyeen pre-test and we see a significant increase in the grammar average in the experimental groupʼs post-test.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The historical novels The Golden Falcon  and The Flares of the City of Otrar  narrate the life of Jalal al-Din Khwarazmshah. Unlike ancient historical texts in which the simple and predictable process of action by the central actor of the hero takes place, in these works, by creating active and anti-active characters, the actions deviated from their main stream, leading to the actions of deviation, substitution, action error and ... have become. The purpose of this research is to investigate how actions deviate within the narrative and damage such as action error, action change or even action collapse. For this purpose, the theory of action-discourse system of Greimas has been used to examine the action narratives related to the character of Jalal al-Din in the two historical novels The Golden Falcon and The Flares of the City of Otrar. In The Golden Falcon's novel, the deviation of action is seen as the transformation of action and the destruction of action by actors; A place where efforts have been made to reach Jalal al-Din's valuable object and save his life. In this novel, according to the value object "Beloved" and "Homeland" Jalal al-Din is depicted as a "lover" and "patriot". In The Flares of the City of Otrar, deviation of action can be seen as transformation of action and replacement of action. Most of the characters in the story and Jalal al-Din himself play the role of antagonists and try to distance Jalal al-Din from his valuable object and destroy him.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The purpose of this research is to determine the average perceptual strength of the five senses in the Persian language based on average perceptual strength hierarchy by Lynott and Connell (2009). To achieve this goal, (100) commonly used Persian sensory adjectives and (25) native Persian-speaking subjects were used to express their level of sensory perception of each adjective based on the 5-point Likert Scale. Also, (20) other subjects were asked to choose names for the given adjectives. These tests were carried out to answer these questions: what percentage of adjectives are exclusively attributed to one of the five senses, how much was the total score of each sense on the 5-point Likert Scale, and as overall which sense has the highest average perceptual strength؟ Also is the rate of collocations of names and adjectives of the same domain more than the collocations of nouns and adjectives of different domains, as Lynott and Connell believe? The results showed the average perceptual strength of the senses in Persian data is different from the findings of Lynott and Connell (2009) only in the position of the sense of hearing, also according to their findings, the sense of vision has the highest and the sense of smell has the lowest average perceptual strength among the five senses. In terms of collocation of names and adjectives, it was found that with a little consideration, Lynott and Connell’s idea about the larger number of the same-domain sensory  name- adjective collocations can be accepted.


Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

In the sign-semantics of discourse that has a process function, unlike constructionist semiotics in which pre-made and non-fluid meaning is considered, the meaning is born of a dynamic and destabilizing tension between the linguistic levels of form and content; The fluidity and plurality of meaning in this attitude is due to the comparative interaction of feeling, perception and recognition of signs and meanings. The dominant discourse on the two poems "Ali.. Ghassan Kanfani" by Al-Fituri and "Marg Nazli" by Shamlou, relies on extensive and compressed communication; Since this discourse is born in the coexistence of sensory-perceptual and aesthetic functions, it inherits tense-emotional characteristics. The aim of the present research is to analyze these functions and explain the sign-semantic characteristics that dominate them in order to explain the meaning production conditions.This research is aimed at using, to show how the narrators of these two poems, through their special performance, in Dissociation from the limited personal me and attachment to the collective and transcendental me have been placed, and with the mechanism adopted by the speaker, the personal and private me of the agitator has been cut off from himself and connected with the transcendental me, and by extending the domain of presence Mythological heroes from a limited and historical time and place have caused the stabilization and expansion of their "presence" and "wide-ranging and decisive influence" in the world of the text; Also, the object by referring to a semiotic system has ensured the prismaticity and polyphony of the text.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

In the Persian language, which follows the SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) word order, the interrogative complement or prepositional object usually appears after the object in the focal position. However, it is possible to move this phrase to other positions within the sentence. The aim of this study is to investigate the processing of interrogative complement displacement in Persian using Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) based on Friederici's syntactic processing model. This study focuses on the central-parietal region of the brain, specifically the N400 and P600 components, which, according to Friederici's language processing model (1995), examine the filler-gap dependency structure and the mental representation of these phrases. Four different positions of the interrogative complement in Persian were examined, and 50 sentences were constructed for each condition.. The results indicate that the displacement of the interrogative complement leads to different brain responses, with an increase in N400 amplitude in the central-parietal region when the interrogative complement follows the subject, and an increase in P600 amplitude in the initial or focal position of the interrogative complement. These findings suggest that the displacement of the wh-complement in Persian, according to Friederici's model, has a neurophysiological basis and may represent a filler-gap dependency structure in mental representation.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The relationship between words and their concepts is investigated in the "Semantics". "Statistical Semantics" is a sub-branch of "Computational Semantics" and in fact, a sub-branch of NLP. Determining the keywords and main concepts of a text requires time and specialized knowledge about the text, in the traditional ways.Lexical Chains” is one of the newest branches of statistical semantics that presents the main concepts of the text based on the semantic relationships between words. In this research, we aim to determine the lexical chains of the sermons No. 111 and 221 of Nahj al-Balaghah, based on the theory of "Barzilay" and "Elhadad", using the descriptive-analytical and statistical method. The results indicate that there is 78 lexical chains in the sermon No. 111, and the semantic relationship of antonymy (50%) is more used in it, and the sermon No. 221 has 87 lexical chains, which the semantic relationship of antonymy (38%), and synonymy (34%) are more used in it. In the sermon No. 111, the chain No. 53, which its words indicate leaving this world and choosing the Hereafter, and in the sermon No. 221, chains No. 31, 62, and 8, whose words, respectively, indicate silence after the ability to speak, the importance of using wisdom, fear of the Judgment Day, are the strongest chains. Also, the results show that the topic of the sermon No. 221 is "ethical, religious, scientific, intellectual", but the main concepts of the sermon No. 111 are matched by the "ethical" topic mentioned by "Dashti".

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Early maladaptive schemas are mentally dysfunctional patterns that are formed since birth following the unfulfillment of human needs. The purpose of this research is to discover the relationship between the early maladaptive schemas of the fourth domain and their coping styles with direct and indirect requests. In general, 18 schemas are formed as a result of five needs not being thoroughly fulfilled in humans. In this research, only the schemas of the fourth domain, are discussed and investigated. Each person copes with their schemas in three different ways. In this research, two coping styles, surrendering and compensation, are examined. To collect data, the request style questionnaire, designed by the researcher, the Young Parenting Inventory (YSQ), and the compensation questionnaires of Young (2003) were handed out online. The participants, 73 males, and 169 females were born from 1981 to 1996, held bachelor's or master's degrees, and lived with both their parents until the age of 18. First, the request-style questionnaire was examined qualitatively according to the theory of Brown and Levinson (1987), and then the research data were analyzed using inferential statistics. According to the findings, the compensation style of domain four schemas has a direct relationship with the direct request, and the surrender style of domain four schemas has a direct relation with the indirect request. Also, gender does not affect direct or indirect request-making.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present study aims to investigate the meanings and productivity of derivative suffix «i» in Persian language using Plag's (2003) point of view. Data collection was conducted by library method and analysis of findings was done by descriptive-analytical method. The sampling included three works from the 5th, 8th, 11th centuries, and the contemporary period. Then, the frequency of using «i» to express different meanings was investigated in each period. The findings indicate that in the 5th and 8th centuries, noun-forming «i» was more productive than adjective-forming «i». In the 11th century and the contemporary period, adjective-forming «i» was more productive than that of noun-forming «i». Also, the productivity of the adverb-forming «i» has been less than adjective-forming «i» and noun-forming «i» in all periods. Considering the different adjective-forming meanings of this suffix, the highest frequency in the 5th, 8th and contemporary periods was related to the adjective "place" and in the 11th century, it was related to the adjective "belonging to a thing". Among the different meanings of the noun-forming «i» in the 5th century, the noun "state indicator" had the highest frequency and in the 8th, 11th and contemporary periods the "simple" noun was the most frequent. Among the different meanings of the adverb-forming «i», the highest frequency was related to the adverb "state" in the 5th century, "scale, amount and size" in the 8th and 11th centuries, and "place" in the contemporary period. The paper also explains possible causes of differences in this suffix's productivity.

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