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Aim and scope Promotion of innovative linguistic and literary research in the field of Persian lanظguage and literature and the publication of new findings and easy access of researchers to the latest research and research |
Peer-Review Policy The peer review process Literary Research is double-blinded in which the reviewer’s name is unknown to the author and, vice versa. Submitted articles go through a structural and subject evaluation to align with Political Organizing of Space principles. Matches go through a double-blind peer review by three field experts (non-editorial staff) chosen by the Board based on specialty.The Board makes the final article selection. Duties of Reviewers: - Assist editor in decision-making and potentially help authors improve papers through editorial communication. - Decline reviews if unqualified or unable to promptly review. - Treat manuscripts as confidential documents and avoid unauthorized sharing. - Conduct objective reviews, avoiding personal criticism and providing clear, supported feedback. - Identify relevant, uncited published work and report potential plagiarism or overlap with other publications. - Maintain confidentiality of information and ideas, avoiding personal gain or reviewing papers with conflicts of interest. |
Open Access Policy This Journal contents and the individual articles are freely available to readers without subscriptions or payments through the journal website or its permanent repositories. This open-access journal is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License which permits Share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and Adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) under the Attribution-NonCommercial terms. |
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Publishing Ethics This journal follows all the terms and conditions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws. Authors may refer to the Committee on Publication Ethics’ International Standards for Authors for comprehensive information. |
Authors fees Dear authors/ paper contributors, you are being humbly informed that the journal charges 300 Thousand Tomans (In two steps: Reviewing: 150 Thousand Tomans and Publishing: 150 thousand Tomans) |
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Scientific ID of the Journal Literary Research Quarterly | |
Scientific Association of Persian Language and Literature | Publisher: |
Quarterly | Publication Period |
Farsi (Abstract: English) | Language of publication |
Electronic | Type of publication |
Open and free (all papers) | Access policy |
B | Ranking |
Scientific-research with reference to document No. 55/2910/3 on 13/04/2004 in the committee of scientific journals | Ranking |
Any research paper in one of the subjects of Persian language and literature that meets the scientific standards will be accepted for review and possibly publication in the journal. Among them: Persian language teaching, linguistic studies and research in the time and simultaneity of different varieties of the Persian language, formal and standard ribbon, comparative and comparative linguistic and literary studies, popular literature, linguistics, genreology, semiotics, contemporary literature, classical literature , literary criticism and theory and... | Scope |
ISC ،SID، Magiran ، Noormags | Profile of the publication |
Scientific (Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology) | Journal Type |
021- 88630231 Email: pazhohesh_adabi@yahoo.com Farsi language building, Farsi language building, No. 68, Shahrivar alley, West Fatemi St., end of North Sindekht St. Tehran |
Address and Contact number |
editor: Mohamad Daneshgar Member of the faculty of Imam Hossein University Administration Manager: Afsoon Ghanbari PhD in Persian language and literature, Tarbiat Modares University |
Executive staff |
150.000 tomans for the review process and 150.000 tomans for the acceptance and publication | Review and publication charge |
Bank account No.: 143389057 Shaba ID.: IR390180000000000143389057 The payment of refereeing and printing of articles will be done by depositing the desired amount to the account number of the Association of Persian Language and Literature. Please upload the image of the article's referee deposit slip to the magazine's system and send the image of the deposit slip to the journal's e-mail: pazhohesh_adabi@yahoo.com. |
Bank account No. |
Important rules for submitting articles | |
Before submitting the article, it is necessary for the author/authors to receive the matching certificate through the Samim Noor system www.samimnoor.ir and https://tikservice.irandoc.ac.irwith a maximum of 10% overlap and upload it to the journal system. The journal's office also verifies the non-similarity of the article, and if a violation is observed, the report will be sent not only to the authors, but also to the university or their respective organization and will follow up through legal authorities. | The permissible percentage of similarity in the articles and the site under review |
Due to the requirement to register and display the free identifier (ORCID) and academic email for all authors, it is necessary to receive the ID and academic email through the following links before submitting the article. https://orcid.org/ http://ijme.mui.ac.ir/files/site1/files/orcid_help.pdf |
Orcid code and academic email |
The articles should be prepared exactly according to the style of the publication, which is located in the "Authors' Guide" section | method of letter |
The number of articles under review from each author (before publication) is a maximum of two articles (at the stage of collection, review, modification, acceptance or publication). |
Number of articles |
paria abasi,P.HD Gholamhosein Gholamhoseinzadeh,P.HD Hashem Aghajari,P.HD Saeed Bozorg Bigdeli