Volume 2, Issue 5 (2004)                   LIRE 2004, 2(5): 131-146 | Back to browse issues page

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Semantics and structure essence in Nima's poetry Naser Nikoubakht , Mohammad Beyranvandi.. LIRE 2004; 2 (5) :131-146
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-4839-en.html
Abstract:   (4271 Views)
The nature of the contemporary poetry lies in coming close to the new and innovative structure aimed at presenting the conscious and thoughtful meanings and throughout this productivity, it is owned to the Nimas’ mental creativity from classic poetry level to contemporary poetry birth.
The contemporary poetry enjoys a rotating structure based on the repetition of the half verse at the beginning and end which gives an especial strength to the poetry structure for inspiration of specified ideology. This repetition produces an episodic structure for the contemporary poetry like a strong skeleton while rebuilding the musical demerits due to removing the lateral poetic elements such as rhyme and identical rhyme, forming the poetry focus, coherence and poetry single tone, making stop in the poetry vertical interval aimed at promoting the reader’s mentality and keeping the poetry away from becoming weak and commonplace, emphasizing and imposing the poetry message, multiplying and releasing the meaning, multiplicity and variety of  being entry. 
Searching for direct and indirect meaning related reasons and symbol in the contemporary poetry structure especially in the poetry by Nima as the agent and architect of the Modern Poetry, is a fundamental question elaborated in this article.
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Subject: Modern Poetry
Received: 2004/07/13 | Accepted: 2004/12/12 | Published: 2004/12/20

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