Volume 6, Issue 23 (2009)                   LIRE 2009, 6(23): 147-171 | Back to browse issues page

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A Review of “Taj-ol-Maasser”; a Literary-Historical Book and the Story Life of the Author. LIRE 2009; 6 (23) :147-171
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-37609-en.html
Abstract:   (1920 Views)

Seyyed Mehdi Nouriyan, PH.D.
Jamshid Mazarheri (Soroushyar) , PH.D.
Alireza Shad Aram
Mehdi Famoori
The literary-historical book entitled as “Taj-ol-Maasser”, is one of the oldest source books on the history of Ghoorian; whose author lived in the Indian governmental state of Ghooriyan. Taj-ol-Maasser, written in 602 A.H., possesses a high historical and literary significance. This book applies literary devices and figures of speech to a high extent, while its allusions to Arabic and Persian texts have made it a pioneering work in Persian literary prose style. The mentioned book has highly influenced the books appearing after it. Unfortunately, despite the exclusive features of Taj-ol-Maasser as a literary-historical book, it has not been published in Iran so far and there is not any independent research and study on this book and the author available either.
The authors of the present study have tried to survey the features of the mentioned book through an analytical and critical attitude, and offer a brief biography of the author; which has been expressed incompletely and disorganized in the available sources. Finally some of the questions regarding the unknown aspects of his life, such as religion and mysticism, are answered.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: History of Literature
Received: 2019/10/21 | Accepted: 2019/10/21 | Published: 2019/10/21

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