Volume 1, Issue 1 (2003)                   LIRE 2003, 1(1): 11-24 | Back to browse issues page

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Mystical analysis of Honsel and Gretel hstory on the basis of the Koran and Masnavi’s instruction. LIRE 2003; 1 (1) :11-24
URL: http://lire.modares.ac.ir/article-41-10634-en.html
Abstract:   (4325 Views)
 This article basically deals with the fact that there exist masterpieces in the domain of children’s literature by looking beyond which one realizes that by posing the most fundamental ontological questions and by living and seeing the world as children do one can ascend as high as the firmament.
Moreover, one can link the apparently affirmative but actually interrogative sentences latent in these seemingly simple stories and their symbols with the Quranic tales and mystical lessons.
From such a perspective and with an analytical look, the article is assessed as an endeavor through which the author tries to link The Hansel and Gretel story (one  piece of the story collection of Gream Brothers) and the discovery of the symbolic depths of the story which though disguised in a childish mask are quite wonderful and informative, to the Quranic teachings and mysticism of Jalaeddin Roumi.
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Subject: Child literature
Received: 2003/05/6 | Accepted: 2003/06/21 | Published: 2003/08/23

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