Abstract: (7593 Views)
Perceiving beauty is, in fact, a perception that is originated in mystical-experimental religiosity. In this regard, Molavi's view is not a mere theory; rather it is an expression of his practical experience and inner conduct. In his experience, love precedes the Good and God is situated on top of the pyramid of the Good. Molavi takes love as his most important object and searches perceiving beauty in God. Through conceiving beloved in God, the lover achieves high stages of perceiving the divine Good. In Molavi’s view, beauty is reflected in men's perception before it is realized in its external manifestations. And this is exactly the meaning of relativity in the conception of beauty and evil. In this connection, even the most evil manifestations of vice are considered. Perceiving beauty does not attempt to negate the evil in this world by philosophical simplifications and deification of beauty. In fact, it reveals its inner beauty through a profound interpretation of the evil. Molavi uses the parable of a painter in this context to interpret the world with a perception of beauty. The painter here is someone whose most important feature is beauty and is skillful in creating beauty. Therefore, Molavi's worldview of the Good is not just a theory. Neither is it merely a philosophical solution for negating evil. It is rather the natural result of his reconciliation with the world.
Classical literature Received: 2004/06/27 | Accepted: 2004/09/11 | Published: 2004/09/21